Wir freuen uns, Sie in Bulgarien begrüßen zu dürfen und Ihnen ein unvergessliches und hervorragendes Weiner…

Wir freuen uns, Sie in Bulgarien begrüßen zu dürfen und Ihnen ein unvergessliches und hervorragendes Weiner…
Sind Sie auf der Suche nach einem unvergesslichen Weinwochenende im “Geburtsort” der
Изключително преживяване! Всичко беше повече от добре организирано! Оставам с прекрасни спомени и чакам с нетърпение следващото приключение! Тони (travelled Nov. 2024)
Отличен за всичко! Благодаря! 6+++
Илияна (travelled Nov. 2024)…
Ivaylo – It has been a great pleasure to spend time with you and see a small, but wonderful part of Bulgaria. Loved the nature, birds, and of course the food & wine. Hope to return!
Gail, USA (travelled Sept. 2024)…
Thank you Ivaylo! You created a brilliant and thoughtful trip for us, with a wonderful variety of experiences! You shared your love of Bulgaria with us. Visit us in California! Robyn and Jim, USA (travelled June 2024)
Ivaylo – Thank you for sharing your knowledge of Bulgarian history, culture, food and wine! You are a marvelous guide! Paul and Linda, USA (travelled June 2024)
С настъпването на октомври, когато с поредица от официални събития ще празнуваме българското вино, от името на членовете на Българската асоциация на винените професионалисти (БАВ…
The annual leading wine tourism event IWINETC took place this year in Bulgaria – in the beautiful, ancient city of Plovdiv. It was an honor but also a challenge in the post-pandemic times to host the 15th edition of the conference, “arriving” fort he…
На старта на новата 2024 година и точно на днешния хубав празник – Ивановден – е моментът да обявя нещо, чието създаване обмислям от доста време. Поставям официално и тържествено началото на ВИНЕН КЛУБ VIA VINO. С други думи, дойде моментът да „облека“ тази моя идея в конкретика и реална…
На пазара е новият двуезичен ДиВино гид за 2023г. Радвам се, че продължаваме и сътрудничеството на тема ВИНЕН ТУРИЗЪМ между DiVino & Via Vino – обозначаване и категоризация на винарните, които посрещат гости. А добрата новина е, че избите, които …
Турът беше опознавателен, ненапрягащ /особено важно/ и за кратко време обхванахме целия район. Благодаря!
Simo (travelled August 2023)
We wanted a wine tour at short notice from Sofia. We arranged Ivaylo through the wine shop Vino Orenda. He was very responsive and put together an itinerary of wineries and cultural attractions in the Melnik region, close to the border with Greece. He picked us up at a convenient…
The wine tour we did was exquisite: a wide range of wineries, amazing wines, great wine-makers. Ivo, our tour director was remarkably knowledgeable and very friendly. The whole experience was magical.
Lucija, N. Macedonia (travelled May 2023)<...
Great news and another big step for wine tourism in Bulgaria!
After the Struma Valley, Plovdiv and the Thracian Plai...
Скъпи ценители на виното и пътешествията,
Време е да погледнем смело напред към 2023г.. Виното и ювелирно създадените пътувания за нас са не просто бизнес, а страст…
It is time for celebrating Mavrud and local Bulgarian wine varieties for second time! …
Гостуване и интервю по Bloomberg TV Bulgaria по теми като винен туризъм, конкурентни възможности преди алтернативния туризъм за България, тенденции по света и унас, БАВП и Международен ден на мавруда, нуждата от стратегии и съвместна работа между изб…
Полезно, релаксиращо и весело преживяване. Срещнахме се с интересни собственици и енолози, което отново потвърждава, че хората във виното са колоритни навсякъде по света. Препоръчвам да се използва монитор в автобуса – за показване на карти, изписване на сортове и региони. Като цяло – прекрасно! Благодаря! Katya, Bulgaria (travelled May…
Ивайло, благодаря ти много за хубавото винено преживяване в Португалия и професионализма! Разказвам на всички мои познати и приятели, и препоръчвам пътувания с теб! Беше наистина незабравимо винено пътешествие! Продължавай да правиш тези турове със …
The tour has been excellent. I had a wonderful time. The wine was delicious and I enjoyed learning about Bulgaria. It had a beautiful balance and some surprises included. I will walk away with a new found love – Bulgaria – a country which I knew very little prior to…
Ivaylo, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your wine info, passion and fun! We thoroughly enjoyed all the wines and sights. Blessings to you and your family!
David & Sylvia (travelled Apr. 2022) …
Отлично организирана малка компактна група от хора, обичащи виното. Наред с добре подбраните изби с разнообразни вина, научих и видях интересни места. Горещо ще препоръчам подобни турове на близки и познати!
Да празнуваме Празника на виното и любовта заедно – ето акцентите на едно интересно предложение / винен тур, в партньорство с винен бар WINEGROUND bottles and beans от/до Варна между 11 и 16 февруари 2022: 👉Посещение на 7 винарни, 2 винени бара и 1 бъчварница в района на Североизточна България…
Ще препоръчваме горещо винените турове на Via Vino във всеки удобен момент. Виненото пътешествие „По стъпките на траките и мавруда“ на нос беше като чистота, въздух, с нотки на приятелство и спомени за дълги пътешествия; цветът му беше с дълбок и наситен омагьосващ оттенък; тялото – зашеметяващо, заземяващо, балансирано и хармонично с подобаваща…
Скъпи приятели, изпращаме още една сложна година. Благодаря на всички, които се докоснаха до винената магия с мен, както и на моите партньори! И отново гледаме ведро напред – към 2022г. и нови винено-кулинарни преживявания, които да ни развеселяват, …
As a part of the organizing team and Chairman of the Board of Bulgarian Association of Bulgarian Wine Professionals here are a few highlights from the first edition of the International Mavrud Day. First of all it was a huge pleasure for me to work with my fellow colleagues and…
The wine adventure with Ivo is always exciting, versatile and unique. No matter, if you are a wine expert, with Via Vino you could learn something new or change your opinion on certain wine variety or you could just enjoy the pleasures of life. The Melnik wine weekend program was…
The latest issue (#42 / July-Sept. 2021) of the leading Bulgarian wine magazine DiVino is exclusively dedicated to wine tourism. Nearly 80 pages with analysis, travelogues, notes, reports, statistics, trends, hints and all kind of useful information for wine lovers and keen travelers! It was a huge pleasure for me to…
Толкова близо, а всъщност толкова далеч… Скъпи винени любители, замисляли ли сте се колко е лесно да открием вино от Испания, Чили или Нова Зеландия, а колко трудно (нерядко и невъзможно) e да опитаме вино от съседните ни страни? Да, понятия като маркетинг и реклама, винени нации, големи производители, силни…
In February 2021 two respected “wine” ladies from Plovdiv – Krasimira Kodukova (Wine Tour Maker) and Gergana Todorova (Winetours.bg) – conducted a research on WINE TOURISM IN BULGARIA. In my opinion its results might be useful and interesting even outside of my country. So I have translated the analysis in…
There is no doubt that the most reliable and professional annual wine ranking in Bulgaria is being organized by DiVino. Renowned experts, transparent rules, fair approach… That all means respectively a real prestige and recognition for the awarded wines. For the tenth consecutive year, at the beginning of 2021, the…
I had the pleasure to moderate on last Saturday, 20th of March a very interesting event – organized by one of my favorite wine wine places in Bulgaria (but not only): Uva Nestum Wine & SPA, part of their series “Wine Adventures”. This time it was dedicated to South Sakar –…
North Bulgaria is often being somehow underestimated when wine lovers think about local wine and tourism. With the much bigger density of wineries, better developed wine routes, its various nature, infrastructure and tourism in general our South has arguably the leading role. I don’t want to set a border line…
През 2020, годината на многото “Т” – тегава, тъпа, трудна, тъмна и т.н. – изгряха 2 светли лъча на литературно-винения небосклон у нас. Сменям обаче стила, че ще вземе да стане прекалено… Започвам с още малко патос и шедьовъра (не е пресилено) на Яна Петкова „а,б, вино“. Все още не…
We came to Bulgaria as we knew nothing about the country. We found VIA VINO Monastery Wine Tasting Tour in Bulgaria on Google and knew it was for us (we love a good wine tour)! We really enjoyed the tour. We felt it was a good mix of history (seeing…
2020г. ще остане в историята – едва ли някой се съмнява в това. За съжаление, пандемията покоси туризма по безпрецедентен начин. 100% анулация или отлагане на всички мои турове през годината с чужди гости – нещо, градено години наред рухна за дни. Доскоро проектът ми Via Vino беше насочен навън,…
My wife was searching for a wine tasting experience and found Via Vino’s site. As she realized the program usually organized for groups so asked if it is possible for 1-2 person as well. The first good experience was the flexibility, he was even ready to guide a single person.…
Скъпи ценители на виното и пътешествията, Време е да погледнем смело напред. Виното и ювелирно създадените пътувания за нас са не просто бизнес, а страст. С настоящите уикенд преживявания из България, ние, от Виа Вино и Зиг-Заг Холидейз / Одисея-ин, Ви предлагаме един оригинален прочит какво още може да представлява…
Вино и колела из Белоградчишкия край: 11-13.09.2020г. Цена от 499лв / човек в двойна стая Северозападнала или Северозапазена България? Ние определно предпочитаме второто! Между Дунав и западните склонове на Стара планина, Белоградчишкият край предлага отлични условия и вина от световна класа. Ако има място в България, където думата „тероар“…
A few months ago I wrote a post about Bulgarian cuisine and its history. Now it is time to continue my story, moreover we all need to think/write/talk about topics, others than Covid-19, don’t we? As I pointed out, Bulgarian food is a colourful and tasty mix, heavily influenced by…
With regard to COVID-19 pandemic and the restrictions taking place I would like to kindly inform you that a state of emergency has been declared in Bulgaria – valid until 13 April 2020. All tours within the country have been suspended, traveling within the country is heavily restricted. Our boarders…
Liebe Weinliebhaberinnen und Weinliebhaber, wir sind froh Sie zu einer unvergeßlichen Wein- und Geinießerreise nach Bulgarien einzuladen! Diese findet zwischen 10 und 17 Mai 2020 statt.
Das Erl…
This year’s edition of the leading Bulgarian wine event took place between 22 and 24 November in Sofia. It went in a more different (and intensive) way for me, that’s why I have decided to split my post in 3 parts… Of course, the tastings and exploration of new good…
Wir haben 4 Urlaubstage am Anfang Oktober in Bulgarien verbracht – Via Vino Melnik Wein-Wochenende. Dank ivo, unserem sympathischen und kompetenten Reiseleiter wurden diese Tage zu einem perfekten Urlaub. Wir können Ivo und Bulgarien auf jeden Fall nur empfehlen! 4 Tage sind jedoch zu kurz, um wirklich einen Einblick in…
Dear partners and wine lovers, Odysseia-in & Via Vino will participate again at some of the leading travel events in Europe. Please find below information about these exhibitions and conferences, where you will have the opportunity to learn more about our food & wine tours in Bulgaria. Click on the…
I totally agree with the statement: Wine is the best friend of food (and vice versa of course). So, there is no way to skip the food topic. Moreover, Bulgarian cuisine has a long, interesting history or better said – background, going back to the ancient tribes and civilizations that…
Lieber Ivo, wir schwärmen noch immer von unserer Wein-Reise nach Bulgarien (Via Vino Collection – Auf den Spuren der Thraker), die mit dir zur wahren Erlebnis- und Genussreise wurde. Schöne Landschaft, ausgewählt köstliche Speisen, freundliche Menschen und der herrliche Wein von engangierten “Weinmachern”. Dazu dein umfangreiches Wissen in allen Bereichen, deine Umsichtigkeit und Humor. Mit dem…
We chose to travel to an Eastern European country with mountains and beaches that did not have too many tourists, plus really good food and wine. Via Vino wine tours in Bulgaria had great reviews online and we are really happy we chose to travel with you on The Monastery…
The history of Bulgarian wine The Thracians – Part 2 Continuing from Part 1 Thracian wine has been drunk from the cradle to the grave – in ceremonies when a baby was born (a sad event, because for these people the life on earth was undesired and unhappy, just…
Es war sehr angenehm mit dir (Ivo) die Genussrundreise durch Bulgarien zu erleben. Du hast alles gut organisiert. Ja, und auch viele Abwechselung: Weinproben, Wanderungen, Besichtigungen. Für uns war diese Weinreise sehr interessant. Marleen und Fernand, Belgium (traveled May 2019)
We wanted to explore the uniqueness of Bulgarian wine with the hint of cultural experience; something local, Bulgarian style. It’s a small group wine tour, well organized and Ivo (our tour guide) is very knowledgable about the country & wine. Janet & Tom, Hong Kong (travelled April 2019)
Скъпи ценители на виното, каним Ви между 1 и 5 май, 2019г. на едно незабравимо винено пътешествие в може би най-живописния и спиращ дъха със стръмните си лозя винен регион в света – МОЗЕЛ. Via Vino wine tours, заедно с Винен клуб The Wine Inside и нашият германски партньор – “Винен посланик на Мозел” / Mosel…
07.03.2019 Винено пътешествие в Мозел / Wine Tour in Mosel / Weinreise nach Mosel
We, the team of VIA VINO & Odysseia-in are happy to announce our fourth participation in a row at the leading global wine and culinary tourism event – The Annual International Wine Tourism Conference, Exhibition & Workshop (IWINETC). The 2019 edition will be held in The Basque Country, Spain between…
First of all Happy New Year, dear wine lovers and friends! I wish you a healthy and prosperous 2019! And of course – lots of good wine and exciting wine experiences! Now let’s start in style the New Year! Between 10 and 13 January Via Vino & Odysseia-in will participate…
The history of Bulgarian wine The Thracians – Part 1 It is totally unpredictable how long will be my effort for presenting the history of wine in our region. Hopefully not as long as the dispute where wine-producing has started… One thing is clear – we are proud of our…
We really liked Via Vino wine tour in Bulgaria. We are surprised in a positive way abouth the country and the wines. And liked the differences in the land and the wineries. Joan and Angela, The Netherlands (travelled Oct. 2018)
Just returned from our 8 day wine tour to Bulgaria. With eight friends we have been sharing our wine hobby for many years. Previous journeys went to Germany, France and Portugal / Spain, so we do have some comparison material. Bulgaria has enormous potential in terms of wines. They make…
Wonderful variety of sights and experiences (Day tour in Sofia & Via Vino Monastery Wine Tasting Tour). Ivo explained everything well and was very patient and accommodating. For some of us the winery was a wonderful change of pace and altered a nice relaxing experience between all the sightseeing activities.…
Lieber Ivo, unsere Bulgarien-Reise (Melnik und Struma-Tal langes Wochenende) war auch dank Ihnen ein wirklich sehr schönes Erlebnis. Wir hatten viel Spaß und ihre Erklärungen waren sehr gut. Vielen Dank und liebe Grüße aus Wien! Silvia & Christian, Elisabeth & Andreas, Austria (travelled Sept. 2018)
Liebe Weinliebhaberinnen und Weinliebhaber,
in Partnerschaft mit unseren Freunden von IMPERIA MAGAZIN-Stuttgart laden wir herzlich zu einem unvergeßlichen Wein- und Genusserle…
Ето че дойде време и за едно незабравимо винено преживяване, специално създадено за винените пътешественици и любители на вкусната храна и качественото, истинско вино в България! Заповядайте на 18 и 19.08. ПОД НЕБЕТО НА ЮЖЕН САКАР заедно с Odysseia-in, Via Vino и Vino Orenda – за мен ще бъде изключително…
We chose Via Vino Monastery Wine Tasting Tour-History&Scenery in Bulgaria because you combine wine tasting with culture and saw that you have good reviews on Trip Advisor. We enjoyed the tour! We are really gald we got to visit the St. Dimitar church, this was very special and something we…
Lieber Ivo, herzlichen Dank für deine nette Begleitung, Führungen, Infos, einfach für alles während unserer Via Vino Sofia Gourmet-Reise! Nochmals lieben Dank, hoffentlich bis bald… Auf Wiedersehen! Maria, Elisabeth & Urs, Switzerland (visited June 2018)
It was a great Food and Wine tour. One of the best so far. Very well organized and implemented. Thank you Ivaylo! Ljubica, Slovenia (visited April 2018)
Egészségére! This is one of the very few words I know in Hungarian language, however it is an essential one, beacuse it means… Cheers! Moreover, it was relevant for the purpose of my third visit in Hungary – the major international wine tourism conference! The country is located only 800km/500miles…
Dear Wine & Food lover, join our VIA VINO Exclusive Gourmet Tour in Sofia, Bulgaria! Taste the local flagship drink rakia in a stylish communist-era retro bar; Savor a 6-course pairing menu in a trendy gourmet restaurant for modern Bulgarian food; Explore Sofia, the Bulgarian capital on a city tour…
A few years ago, after “opening” the boarders and by following the world marketing trends, we started celebrating St. Valentine’s Day… But from ancient times 14th of February is the Day of St. Trifon Zarezan – the patron of vine growers and wine makers! According to some sources it is…
GRÜEZI! For a second year in a row Odysseia-In & Via Vino participated at FESPO – Switzerland’s biggest travel and holiday fair! 2018 edition which took place in Messe Zürich between 25 and 28 January 2018. We presented our brand new food and wine tours in Bulgaria, among them: CARPE…
Another new year and another reason to look back, to summarize, to make plans for the future… I have decided to make a visual retrospection of our wine tours in Bulgaria in 2017. A lot of exciting moments throughout the country, happy people (and guide!), good wine and food, great…
We came to Bulgaria because there were cheap flights and our close friend is from Bulgaria so we really wanted to visit. We found Via Vino & Zig Zag tours because of the reviews on Trip Advisor and chose the private gourmet day tour THRACIAN WINE TOUR AND PLOVDIV. Communication prior…
We were fully satisfied with the Via Vino Monastery Wine Tasting tour. Our guide Lubo was a real value added because not only he was very kind and available, but he solved also unexpected small issues (a road closed on the way to the small church, and the consequent delay…
This November, Sofia will became the wine capital of Bulgaria. The seventh edition of the largest forum for Bulgarian wine DiVino.Taste will be held from 17th to 19th November 2017. DiVino.Taste will be again in the National Palace of Culture, but this time in Halls 7, 8, 9. Whether you…
We like to visit wine regions and experience different wines. I found VIA VINO tours online and chose the Thracian Wine Tour and Plovdiv. We have had a lovely day. Ivo has been fantastic and we have loved the wines we tasted. It was so nice to see another city…
My neighbors were Bulgarians and said wonderful things. Also, why not? I like last-minute adventures and chose VIA VINO wine tour Thracian Wine Tour & Plovdiv. It was very nice easy day and lots of wine! I enjoyed the history added in. Daisy G., USA (visited September 2017)
Some wine professionals are passionately asserting that the best place for cultivating of vines in Bulgaria is the Eastern part of the Thracian Lowland and more precisely the South Sakar sub-region. Certainly, I could argue with these guys but I have much fewer arguments after visiting 4 wineries from the…
Shiroka Melnishka Loza or Broad Leaved Melnik Vine (literally translated in English) is one of the most interesting autochthonic Bulgarian varieties. Well, it is really difficult to be pronounced so you can commonly find it simply as Melnik vine. It is growing exclusively in the Struma Valley Wine Region/Melnik…
Herzlichen Dank an Ivo! Er hat die Gruppe kompetent und sympathisch während Via Vino Sofia Gourmet-Reise begleitet. Wir haben viel erfahren und erlebten gute Tage in Sofia. Die Stadtführung war auch interessant. Andreas, Gerda, Hansjörg, Beat, Graziella, Vreni und Klaus, Switzerland (visited May 2017)
We really enjoyed Via Vino Thracian Wine Tour – the day tour to Plovdiv and Villa Yustina with Ivaylo. If we had an opportunity to go again, we would like to visit one more winery. Agneska & Matt, Poland (visited April 2017)
Dear wine lovers, I could undoubtedly say that Priorat is one of the most exciting and distinctive wine areas I have ever been! And that I am extremely happy to announce a Via Vino & Odysseia-in tour to Priorat which will take place between 29 June and 04 July 2017.…
Thanks a lot again, Ivaylo for the comprehensive Via Vino Food and Wine Tour in Southern Bulgaria! Silvia, Gabriel and Daniel R., Switzerland (visited April 2017)
Via Vino & Odysseia-In participated again in the leading global event for the wine and culinary tourism industry. The 9th Annual International Wine Tourism Conference, Exhibition & Workshop (IWINETC) was held in the region of Catania, Sicily, Italy 28 & 29 March 2017. The 3 day event (2 day conference…
I wanted to travel somewhere different to everything I’ve ever seen before and to try new experiences such as my first wine tour! Via Vino provided the perfect opportunity 🙂 The Monastery Wine Tasting Tour was very well organized, very relaxing and one of the best experiences I’ve had in…
I was not sure what to expect but based on the tour, itself and the reviews, I cannot recommend it enough to others. The information was great and I learned so much more of the Bulgarian history. It was very customisable and always had the customer in mind. Lovely experience,…
Grüezi mitenand! That is the Swiss expression for “Hello everybody”. I am very happy to announce that VIA VINO & Odysseia-In have participated at FESPO 2017 – Switzerland’s biggest travel and holiday fair! It took place in Messe Zürich between 26 and 29 January 2017. We have presented there…
In the very beginning of The New Year I decided to summarize some interesting articles, blog posts and other online reading materials. Though the topics are various, I am sticking to the Via Vino main point – Wine Tourism in Bulgaria. Actually I am happy to share with you that…
Lieber Freund, wir wissen du magst Wein und wunderschöner Natur. Wie uns! Via Vino & Odysseia-In bieten eine unvergessliche Reise nach Nordwestbulgarien – genau was du suchst…
Am Spätnachmittag am Freitag** fahren wir …
We signed for an immersive The Thracian Wine Tour & Plovdiv – day trip which includes a tour of Plovdiv and the Old City before arrival in Sofia. The guide came to pick us up from the hotel at a preset time and we went to a wonderful day of…
We had a wonderful trip – The Thracian Wine Tour & Plovdiv, we enjoyed it very much, thank you! The wine tour has been realised with Ivaylo. We visited a winery where they grow grapes and produce excellent wine. The huge vineyards impressed us. The red wine was very original…
This is a title, resp. topic which is expected to be a cliché (frankly said, I agree) and you will probably skip it (please don’t!!!) because you have read thousands of similar articles…. However I decided to write a few words! It all started 5 000 years ago or…
A few weeks ago I had the pleasure to moderate a wine tasting at the wedding of my good friends Evgenia and Lars who currently live in Copenhagen. But I was also challenged by their invitation because the wedding guests were an interesting mixture from all over the world –…
When Mr. Chris Drake, a wine blogger from Scotland but living currently in London let me know that he intends to visit Bulgaria in order to talk about our wine project VIA VINO and hopefully to write an article about Bulgaria as a (still hidden) wine tourism destination, I have…