My personal wine experiences, impressions, thoughts… Cheers!

16.07.2018 Под небето на Южен Сакар / Under the sky of South Sakar

Ето че дойде време и за едно незабравимо винено преживяване, специално създадено за винените пътешественици и любители на вкусната храна и качественото, истинско вино в България!

Заповядайте на 18 и 19.08. ПОД НЕБЕТО НА ЮЖЕН САКАРRead more →

14.02.2018 St. Trifon Zarezan

A few years ago, after “opening” the boarders and by following the world marketing trends, we started celebrating St. Valentine’s Day…

But from ancient times 14th of February is the Day of St. Trifon Zarezan – the patron of vine growers and wine… Read more →

03.01.2018 Via Vino year 2017 in pictures

Another new year and another reason to look back, to summarize, to make plans for the future… I have decided to make a visual retrospection of our wine tours in Bulgaria in 2017. A lot of exciting moments throughout the country, happy people (and g… Read more →